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Six public buildings along Suzhou East Ring Road get a new look

Date:2024-05-29 08:32:00|Source:|Font Size: AAA

Six public buildings along Suzhou East Ring Road have gotten a new look thanks to a renovation project that started last November.

Apan Business Building after renovation

Donghuan Building after renovation

The six buildings have witnessed the economic and social development of the area. The renovation project was part of the urban renewal project along the Suzhou East Ring Road, which includes renovation of facades of buildings and stores, sidewalks and footbridges and improvement of streetscapes.

Fengyi Office Building after renovation

Huadong Building after renovation

In addition to the exterior designs, the signs of shops, lighting systems and commercial spaces in the buildings have also been improved.

Kaiyuan Building after renovation

Xiangxuehai after renovation

May 28, 2024

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