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13 new tennis courts built with high standards in Yangcheng Lake Peninsula Tourist Resort

Date:2024-11-27 09:28:00|Source:|Font Size: AAA

Yangcheng Lake Peninsula Tourist Resort in SIP has seen 13 new tennis courts built with high standards so far this year, two at Yangchenghu Peninsula Football Park and 11 at Yangcheng Lake Peninsula Tennis Center.

The football park boasts turfs that are green throughout the year. The tennis courts in the park were built with the standards for Wimbledon Championships grass courts. It hosts training and other events frequently.

The tennis courts at Yangcheng Lake Peninsula Tennis Center, including two hard courts and two clay courts, are also designed to meet standards for international tennis events. They totally cover an area of 35 mu (2.33 hectares).

November 26, 2024

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