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Suzhou Eslite Bookstore releases bestsellers list for the ninth straight year

Date:2024-12-24 11:43:00|Source:|Font Size: AAA

Suzhou Eslite Bookstore in SIP recently released its annual reading report along with bestsellers list for the ninth straight year. The exhibition of the “Top 100 Bestsellers of 2024” kicked off concurrently.

Among the bestsellers are original Chinese literary works, translations of foreign language works, books about humanities, art and business, and those for leisure.

It is notable that the bookstore also selected the “Top 10 New Books of 2024”. The Greater China Treasure Hunt Comic Book Series: Shanxi, which features a combination of comics and stories about history and science, stands first, and a history book of similar kind takes the third place.

The bookstore’s report offers an analysis of readers’ literary preferences, which indicates that attention to emotions is increasing.

December 23, 2024

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